Pictures from Wah Lee Chinese shop Activity.

Wah Lee 99+1 years Fireworks at Lantern Festival, Auckland, put on by BJ...contact him at tophatmagic@ihug.co.nz
Fireworks of the medium size are better in many circumstances, like for a biggish wedding where you don't need or want the fireworks to be half a mile away.Professionals with pyrotechnic handlers licences and appropriate experience are welcome to buy these off us.Give a call to BJ at 027 289 0596 or leave a text message.
Bigger shows will need more time to organise.Permits, insurance,neighbours,civil aviation if really big, a barge if on the water.
Let's get some displays as big as in Wellington.Maybe even as big as in Sydney?That may need a bit more time.
We would request payment before delivery or show please.

Black Cat Fireworks that look very good when you can get back and see the whole display.Recomended for medium to large events like in a stadium with a fair bit of space.

Wah Lee opens most statutory hours.Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 6pm.Late night Friday.Saturday is still pay and display, but there is not that dreaded clearway from 4 pm till 6.30 pm.Sundays are a restful shopping day from 1pm till 4pm at least, and maybe usually earlier opening and a little later closing than that.We used to go to help a Western Springs college school stadium cleanup for the Warriors League football events.Recommended if your Children go to that school.