Monday, 19 December 2016
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Monday, 5 December 2016
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Monday, 24 October 2016
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Friday, 14 October 2016
Saturday, 8 October 2016
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Monday, 26 September 2016
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Various books from Kindle.
If you look at some Kindle books mentioned here on this blog,
it gives you a chance to read now after purchase.
Then it certainly opens the book up to be read on your Personal computer or your Apple Mac. It is possible to read the publication immediately.
Unless you do have a Kindle, and if then then you would know what to do anyway, then just push the "Read NOW" button and the book is certainly going tp go straight to your computer.
Possibly to your phone as well? I have not tried to read these on my phone as t could be a little small?
Of course, some have bigger phone screens or tablets or whatever you call the Mac devices. They would be excellent I imagine and then you could tuck yourself up in bed to read .
Monday, 25 July 2016
Saturday, 23 July 2016
For those wanting clues to unlocking marketing services on the internet.How to sell on the net.
Monday, 4 July 2016
Here is a very affordable diamond. It is ultra affordable monoatomic GOLD.
I bought this as it was so cheap anyway, but what words of value!
It also taught what I have already been taught.
Wonderful memories,
PERFECT reinforcement.
Books mentioned here are not your typical book. Their reality box a little unusual for you possibly.
Great times spent.
Sometimmes I feel that it needs something strong like one of those books to get me off Facebook- usually three hours of very poor time spent.
Hard to stop going back there.
Even friends that point out wrong doings may not be
helping I feel.
Posters can actually do more harm than good.
They may help to promote a depressing feeling of depowerment as one author says.
One or two posters there on Facebook have been interesting however.
And some actually very interesting.
But some take bits and pieces out of some of these books advertised around on this blog.
These books are actually delving more deeply into some of the
awarenesses put into seriousness, into depth, with great focus. And the
life experiences are on the
hard to believe side of
our universe.
A parallel World right NOW.
When you go back to social media with even one of those books under your belt, you may feel that you can contribute in a more productive way.
Like a holiday, BE AWAY.

Eclipse Takes by Barry Wah Lee- the blog creator.
So this book being promoted here,
is by the person that has set up this blog.
I have bought " How to write a book in 60 days"
I also have bought off the internet
a course called "Kindling" which taught how to write a book and publish it
on the Kindle format.
In reality,
I should keep trying,
but I seem to have lost the original lesson.
What he recommended which I have not
managed to achieve,
is to have a very good cover.
Another main point remembered,
is to write a Fiction novel.
But for anyone kind enough to buy it,
will you maybe write a review please?
Thank you.
OK here is a quantum shift possibility. Too expensive? This is the kindle version.
Well, I have been buying and reading lots of kindle books posted here. Just so handy is the kindle system if you need to have a word explained.Just highlight the word and find an explanation come up. Words can be made bigger or smaller/ ( Are those low wattage lamps ruining your eyesight too?)
Here we are, a Kindle can have letters of various sizes( just push your fingers apart and the letters increase).
I am not sure that is needed when reading on a laptop though.I do not think that letter size can be changed on a PC. Seems easy enough reading on this, a PC as I read things on

Some physical reality book, leaf its pages. Quantum Larson.
I May buy this, but on the Kindle reality, in lay terms, on the digital book kindle system. If you want or prefer, you can buy the flick through the leaves of a book version here. I would be worried to have so many books as some do, in their amazing studies or study rooms, with huge numbers of books every where.I see that sometimes. People with millions of hardback books high and low.
You might have that type of room anyway. You may find that a form of PARADISE. I can understand entirely!
Reading a book is like taking a quantum jump type of trip to anywhere you want to go. Forwards, backwards or even to NOW in time. Some of these books have time actually disappear. Disappear into a dreamy concept of our supposedly intelligent leaders, guides, guides to the wrong place in many cases.
But let me introduce you to another product that promises much. Well how else do you decide to buy a book, or watch a movie, or even go on a date?
Book( kindle one) is proving very meaty.
Cold in NZ in Auckland...
This resonates with our winter upon us...
Getting out of bed on a frosty morning
Friday, 1 July 2016
Seems to be some actual interest in this blog? Started some time ago, Facebook seems to invite more posting.
Some posts seem to get some looks?
The books advertised are from the Amazon service and I doubt that the books would otherwise be easy to obtain? Not from our mainstream bookshops in New Zealand, anyway.
I know that you will enjoy them as much as I did.
It is not a hedonistic type of enjoyment either.
Subjects that have not been touched on in this blog are cats and food.
I do love those .
Mentioned in the Quantum Jumps book
are Shrodinger's Cat or cats.
Alive, Dead, Alive and Dead. Maybe not even in the box?
In NZ we have Gareth Morgan's Cats.
They are probably in the same situation.
A Picture in the circle above is from Kat Miller's Energy Circle teachings.

Thursday, 30 June 2016
1421 the real book. The kindle is very convenient to buy this on, but its illustrations will be only useful in the printed book.
I actually read this as one of my first reads on my kindle. However, I think that with the provided maps, the experience was not so good. This real book will probably be better.
Nevertheless, it is a great read even if not all true. Also, more may be true than experts say anyway.
But I was recommended to read this by a very famous lawyer in NZ, and did not actually read it till more than a decade later. It is not important how quickly you get to it as it is only later that modern digs confirm what so many usually say anyway.Yes, recent digs are showing up all sorts of unbelievable truths as to our real history. Most histories are fake anyway. Every new conqueror tends to have history rewritten.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Ezine Articles expert author writing! Barry Wah Lee.
Well, I discovered that I had become an expert author in the ezine articles service on the internet. They require such a high level of competence in your writing that I gave up in my last two attempts. I am not sure how I got to create articles that got through their system at all?
I wonder if I even should try again? I think that I have been absent for about a decade!
You could give it a go though!

Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Monday, 27 June 2016
Thursday, 9 June 2016
A teacher answered me about Jesus that he was the King of the Jews.
His brother and helpers were not as supported by wealthy followers as Paul.
But actually,
Jesus taught Judaism.
Judaism requires circumcision.
This is difficult for rich that may die through infections.
Maybe it is more easy for all to follow Judaism proper now?
JESUS CHRIST remains a power just in quoting and sayng his name out aloud.
But there is no religion created by Jesus.
This was a creation of Paul.
There were subtleties,
The Roman Christianity was created by having them kill Jesus under the orders of Jews. Thus they were let off the hook.Catholicism was to become the religion.
But through the way and stories of Paul,
Christianity was to become a religion of enormous success as it could even be taken to far flung places nothing to do with Jews and and Eastern lands.
There was a more bloodthirsty event before the Boxer rebellion.
It was the Taiping rebellion and that was in aid of a man that felt he was the younger brother of Christ??
20 million or so Chinese died as he tried to spread his form of Christianity.
All forms of Christianity try to emulate success that has come to others.
So, after reading a book on miracles according to visitations of a beautiful female in some sort of spirit form. The people that can see are called the Seers.
They do follow the Roman Catholic path, but others have born witness to apparitions and communications from a Mother Mary that refers to Jesus Christ as well as gives advice by herself. People are of little faith and ask for proof. I think that this is a danger and pulls out all sorts of parallel world paths and sucks out energy thus many times terrible unbelievable catastrophes come soon after the amazing miracles.
There was one story where the virgin mother was a story to ave Cleopatra the real mother of Jesus. According to this story, he was a twin sent to Tibet. There he learned many of his miracle producing abilities. Also, according to this story, which goes against another that says he was poor,
he was of a rich family. After the crucifixion, he was cured and taken into Europe and enjoyed the rest of his life??
Oh boy,
a teacher answered me about Jesus that he was the King of the Jews.
His brother and helpers were not as supported by wealthy followers as Paul.
But actually,
Jesus taught Judaism.
Judaism requires circumcision.
This is difficult for rich that may die through infections.
Maybe it is more easy for all to follow Judaism proper now?
JESUS CHRIST remains a power just in quoting and sayng his name out aloud.
But there is no religion created by Jesus.
This was a creation of Paul.
There were subtleties,
The Roman Christianity was created by having them kill Jesus under the orders of Jews. Thus they were let off the hook.Catholicism was to become the religion.
But through the way and stories of Paul,
Christianity was to become a religion of enormous success as it could even be taken to far flung places nothing to do with Jews and and Eastern lands.
There was a more bloodthirsty event before the Boxer rebellion.
It was the Taiping rebellion and that was in aid of a man that felt he was the younger brother of Christ??
20 million or so Chinese died as he tried to spread his form of Christianity.
All forms of Christianity try to emulate success that has come to others.
So, after reading a book on miracles according to visitations of a beautiful female in some sort of spirit form. The people that can see are called the Seers.
They do follow the Roman Catholic path, but others have born witness to apparitions and communications from a Mother Mary that refers to Jesus Christ as well as gives advice by herself. People are of little faith and ask for proof. I think that this is a danger and pulls out all sorts of parallel world paths and sucks out energy thus many times terrible unbelievable catastrophes come soon after the amazing miracles.
There was one story where the virgin mother was a story to ave Cleopatra the real mother of Jesus. According to this story, he was a twin sent to Tibet. There he learned many of his miracle producing abilities. Also, according to this story, which goes against another that says he was poor,
he was of a rich family. After the crucifixion, he was cured and taken into Europe and enjoyed the rest of his life??
Oh boy,
a teacher answered me about Jesus that he was the King of the Jews.
His brother and helpers were not as supported by wealthy followers as Paul.
But actually,
Jesus taught Judaism.
Judaism requires circumcision.
This is difficult for rich that may die through infections.
Maybe it is more easy for all to follow Judaism proper now?
JESUS CHRIST remains a power just in quoting and sayng his name out aloud.
But there is no religion created by Jesus.
This was a creation of Paul.
There were subtleties,
The Roman Christianity was created by having them kill Jesus under the orders of Jews. Thus they were let off the hook.Catholicism was to become the religion.
But through the way and stories of Paul,
Christianity was to become a religion of enormous success as it could even be taken to far flung places nothing to do with Jews and and Eastern lands.
There was a more bloodthirsty event before the Boxer rebellion.
It was the Taiping rebellion and that was in aid of a man that felt he was the younger brother of Christ??
20 million or so Chinese died as he tried to spread his form of Christianity.
All forms of Christianity try to emulate success that has come to others.
So, after reading a book on miracles according to visitations of a beautiful female in some sort of spirit form. The people that can see are called the Seers.
They do follow the Roman Catholic path, but others have born witness to apparitions and communications from a Mother Mary that refers to Jesus Christ as well as gives advice by herself. People are of little faith and ask for proof. I think that this is a danger and pulls out all sorts of parallel world paths and sucks out energy thus many times terrible unbelievable catastrophes come soon after the amazing miracles.
There was one story where the virgin mother was a story to ave Cleopatra the real mother of Jesus. According to this story, he was a twin sent to Tibet. There he learned many of his miracle producing abilities. Also, according to this story, which goes against another that says he was poor,
he was of a rich family. After the crucifixion, he was cured and taken into Europe and enjoyed the rest of his life??
Switchwords. Some Words are very more useful than others. Beyond words, colours and numbers are useful as well.
Emerald (Green Cosmic Ray)
Gemstone/Crystal: Emerald
Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Domestic bliss.
Opens Solar Plexus Chakra.
Physical and emotional healing.
One of the strongest physical healing gemstones.
Emerald is the carrier of the green ray.
Friday, 3 June 2016
Friday, 27 May 2016
Sunday, 17 April 2016
Friday, 4 March 2016
Saturday, 27 February 2016
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Heaven,Hell,and Spirituality: What is here?? I cannot remember!
Heaven,Hell,and Spirituality: What is here?? I cannot remember!
Nothing is oompah loompah like a great holiday.
Relax when working, relax when sleeping.
Put relaxed mind into your body.
What is the relationship of mind to what exists?
Is it like atoms or waves or a separate reality.
Something so close to most of us,
and it is the creation itself???
Nothing is oompah loompah like a great holiday.
Relax when working, relax when sleeping.
Put relaxed mind into your body.
What is the relationship of mind to what exists?
Is it like atoms or waves or a separate reality.
Something so close to most of us,
and it is the creation itself???
Is tooth cleanliness in your priority of mind and body? Is looking at herbs from other countries of personal interest?
I have been looking for a special product that we previously set our shop aside from others by having. We used to, well dad used to have dried salted duck, Chinese sausages, hundred year old eggs. Apart from red tape that means we cannot make things on our premises any more, these are now widely available.
For a while we were big on fireworks. This can still be popular, but many other people look like they are selling interesting fireworks too. Maybe people will come back to us.
Chinese medicines have to see a resurgence. Many are complaining about the products they are given in the health sector, but they just like to complain as they can easily find excellent products elsewhere. They will probably come back to people like us.
What you do is what you do.
Even if as some say there are attempts to force people onto the standard products,
a simple change in people's awareness would mean that there would be no power at all to achieve this. so I would not be surprised that both supporters and protesters about things are secretly on the same side. Clever folks that have some so stupid that it discredits great information.
So this product comes up made with a great extract of a local top New Zealand herb. Some science is coming out to back the traditional ad hoc beliefs but I feel just by use I feel confident to sell it. One product is for tooth and gum health. It is called tooth and Gum detoxifier. Sounds a little flash, but some may need to feel that there is some sophistication in this simply made product. Use it by putting some on a tooth brush. brush away to your heart's content. As it is coconut oil based, there will be no hurting of gums or danger to thinning of your dentine.
I assume that you are really clever with the internet and websites as that link will take you to the general online shop rather than to the actual page.
So while there, why not buy some NZ honey? Manuka honey is delicious and also useful on your skin.
So when at the website you will have to search around for the detoxifier.
I would rather not say too much.
You may feel that I am just wanting your money.
Take it another way.
What is money for?
It is only useful if there are things to buy with it.
It is only useful if the is this tooth and gum detoxifier, or if there is Manuka Honey, or if there is kawakawa inhalant.
Buy something before an asteroid hits and makes all money useless.
No, GUARD. I invoke GUARD,
and there is no hurry.
Nothing will happen and
you will only buy what is necessary to you
and you will live to a ripe age with a safety barrier of money in the bank.
Sorry to talk of money.
It is not for your money that I sell this product.
It is great to have a product that I feel is special and of value.
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