Thursday 26 November 2020

Interesting comment after a video on youtube about the Pyramids and why they were built...

Jalaluddin Ahmad Shaharudin Jalaluddin Ahmad Shaharudin 1 day ago More lopsided info! The primary function of the pyramids is to imprisoned those who play Gods who enslaved humanity for their energy resources. The second equally important function is to raise the frequency of surface Earth residence in order to enable them to return to hollow Earth. Interplanetary travel are not done on the exterior of the planets. Those who do are likely to be infested by Archons. When Ptolemy went to "East India" (South East Asia), he was seeking the entrance to Eden (Hollow Earth). The biggest Pyramid which represents the main entrance to the Hollow Earth is Gunung Padang.There are many pyramids here in South East Asia that serve as portals to hollow Earth which were hijacked by the cabal. The cabal and the Federation of Galactic Beings do not want the surface residents to know the existence of these portals as they do not want to loose them. The Malay race had been known to use these portals and had created great cities which had gone under the South China sea. The only visible relics are those of Borobudur and Angkor Wat. The Malay race had also been known to exhibit supernatural power that the cabal try to eliminate their contact with Hollow Earth. It was fairly easy to defeat them as the Malay do not kill their enemy for they would loose the ability to return to hollow Earth. When the second wave of Islam (after the creation of Hadith) infiltrated these region in the 15th century, their knowledge Hollow Earth remained as Myths. Under the Brittish rule the Sultan had created Islamic Law to prosecute those who dabbled In magic. In the 50s many of the Malay films reflected their tradition in supernatural power and Myths of Hollow Earth that the Malay Films Productions was closed and their film archives is partially destroyed in a fire accident. However many of the portals are still functional and the people still practice supernatural power in secrecy.

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