Thursday 15 July 2010

Learning Chinese

There is talk of a lack of ability to learn Chinese at New Zealand schools.I have felt this for some time myself.
I think that focus on up and coming countries will be far prefereable for young and old than ego satisfying links to past glories in Established cultures that have been losing their way for some time.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Get on a List where you get to subscribe to emails of success to using 4Life Products

4Life make life saving products to do with health.
There is a humble Gel a clear Gel they call 'Renewall' that you should take with you in case of scratches.A scratch may not be as simple a problem as it used to be .You are exposing your body to all sorts of pathogens these days.
Many talk of Capsules.There is the very basic 'Classic'
Most seem to talk of The Advanced new Transfer Factor Capsule.It has molecules from Cow colostrum, but also from Egg Yolk.This makes it stronger.
One they talk of is called Advanced Transfer Factor + (or, 'Plus')
and this has quite a few herbs added.
Pycnogenol is called Choice Prime in the Product List.People seem to have been finding it to be the best pycnogenol around.
Riovida,and since that product success list, they now have Riovida jelly drinks is a mix of rare and healing fruits in a full power non fizzy drink way,added to copious quantities of Transfer Factors in a liquid form.