Thursday, 16 July 2020

Re the Virus C 19..Thank goodness, finally a bit of writing that explains why it IS a virus in our understanding of the word.

So look at this article. I have not yet, but it starts well.

Some more reading about Covid 19

So there are countries without any Covid 19 and there are some with covid isolation troubles. So here is some reading about it that may not be in the media.

For one to read. It is unlikely to be allowed to be shared.

I listened to Radio Talk back today. Seemed alright, but some are filled with fear based on community spread. Others wondering about the truth of statistics? Some answers about this from the host seemed sensible...

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Policy science and the great interest of Jeffrey Epsten into support of some science.

His partner Ghislaine's sisters very capable in sciences as well as in software and playing a major role in supplying products to help the world in our internet age. But how far are they into us? Or are they not really into us? Maybe what we see as the leaked though conspiracy theorists vaccine ID as well as surveillance from science fiction techniques are real and are part of some woo woo black magic due the rule that they seem to have of putting the truth out there before doing. They do it through TV shows, movies, through conspiracy truthers and rarely through mainstream media or documentaries.

What's Causing the Rise of Demonic Possession Worldwide