Monday 8 July 2024

Turning us into some plastic people.

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more Find out what’s really going on! Worldwide Class Action Lawsuit – Conversation with Todd Callender "THEY ARE LITERALLY TURNING US INTO SOME KIND OF A PLASTIC, INCLUDING METAL COMPONENTS!" – TODD CALLENDER Forbidden.News Jul 8 ∙ Preview READ IN APP Attorney Todd Callender joins Dr Ana Mihalcea with updates on work they are doing, both together and apart. Dr Mihalcea has served as an expert witness to his law firm and how he was struck by her words; that the ubiquitous onslaught of SmartDust and nanotechnology in our food, water and air – to say nothing of in the jabs – was leading to what she calls the "polymerization of humanity". As Todd explains, "We had a sample of the contents of a vial that was actually injected into one of our clients and we had those contents analyzed with mass spectrometry but also some other testing that happened. There were 99 pages of what, effectively are pathogens, different materials, including barium-137 – and cesium-137 – radioactive materials! amongst other things. "And between seeing those being the contents of the shots and some of the other work that you have done; autopsies and for instance, clots coming out of cadavers, that our friend, Richard was pulling out, we kind of understand quite a bit more about what's happening – and you, I think, coined the term: it's the Polymerization of our Species: They are literally turning us into some kind of a plastic, including metal components! ==>> Click on this site to learn the science behind Glutathione Discount Code: FORBIDDEN - for FREE SHIPPING <<== "For example," Todd continues, "We found that there was tin in these big, white rubbery clots. We found that they also serve the purpose of being an antenna. Why? Because when cesium-137 is combined with living tissue, it changes that tissue – whether it's a plant or an animal or anything else – into a transducer-transceiver-receiver-and-amplifier, if you can imagine that, Ladies and Gentlemen; that they're turning us into electrical synthetic biology; vaccine slaves, polymerized slaves. That's the only way I really know how to put it." "Absolutely," Dr Mihalcea responds, "And what's so interesting recently, I did an interview with an Argentinian group, Lorena de Blasi and Dr Marcela Sangorin and they found 54 undisclosed metals, including lanthanides and lanthanides are paramagnetic like neodymium magnets, for example and they're also fluorescent and they found signatures of graphene fluorescence and I just did an interview with Melissa McAtee, where we actually correlated these findings so, there is so much, in regards to the nanotechnology substrate and you know about Intrabody Area Network and all of these things. What is your view of litigation and bringing this out, more into the open? "I'm so glad you asked that," Todd responds, "So you would recall our original case to try and stop the shots was based on the mandate the US military. Mr Austin, who was acting as a Secretary of Defense ordered 1.4 million of his service members to take these poison shots. "So, he didn't care whether it was Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson – I don't think AstraZeneca was one of them – but any one of those was fine. Why? Because they all shared the same commonalities; the same hydrogel that includes these very contents that you're talking about; cesium amongst other things. "Why? Because our military had been creating synthetic people; "Super Soldiers" since 2005 and we found all of their papers, talking about what happens when they turn people into simBio machines; effectively, programmable people – and all of it was crazy to understand this could even happen – even the Wireless Body Area Network... A subscription gets you: Subscriber-only posts and full archive Post comments and join the community Like Comment Restack © 2024 Forbidden.News PO Box 2041, Asheville, NC 28802 Unsubscribe Get the appStart writing