Sunday 11 March 2007

First post on new blogspot place

Managing to get articles in E-zines.Got a book on writing a book in 14 days.It looks like a gimmick but has been full of very good tips.You need a bit of structure when writing and you need to stop writer's block.To do research is not as important as writing from what you already know.With an expert it is useful to say straight out that you don't know nothing.
My city has been visited by many from overseas,
and has a nice few Islands and an english speaking language.Our shop has been gong for 103 years and although is sort of a Chinese shop, it sort of is such for non Chinese mainly, and we have been unusually, for a shop of this type perhaps,been employing non Chinese the moment we have a maori man working for us , and he has been working for many many years.
Although I have been greedy and lazy and trying to make money from the internet.What dreams?But actually , in the past, our shop, which looks like a old traditional corner shop, has always been in the forefront of things.I think we have had to get modern in order to stay traditional.
There are certainly a lot of pressures on a little shop, so if I could get one of those incredible income streams that are sort of promised, it would certainly help the bottom line.In any case, it would be a nice conversation topic in the shop once I come up for air so to speak.
In the past we have had artists,musicians,busy bodies who have become politicians,great ordinary people,great cooks,chinese,martial artists, all sorts of waves of different races before they found their own shop,hippies,different food fad people,home rearrangers, clothes designers until they got too big to buy from us,and a snobby aggressive as hobby type come to our shop.

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