Monday 12 March 2007

Power,passion,or cuteness in fireworks?

Lighting fireworks?
Then what you like lighting is important.
If it is a candle,like Shogun Magnolia or even a 10 ball magic shot,then I would almost never hold it.Many amateur fireworks lovers pray deeply that no one aims them either.It is so easy to have things banned,and it is actually very lucky for those who like powerful fireworks to see the marvellous range that there has been available, at least for maybe Wah Lee customers or the various people that help distribute these for them.Even if one in a million explodes out the side, that would be too much of a risk.
Some candles are quite powerful too, now,and the sheer kickback could also make you lose grip .Sometimes it is really nice to hear a big bang or two.But the bang is one aspect of a show, and bangs should be balanced by other different or even silent sounding wonders.Make a rhythm of anything you do.We needn't deaden,by thrashing one aspect of anything.Art is great, and includes an awareness of light and shade.Cleverness and innocence.It should all add up to wonder.
So if you are near an apartment block,and the things explode outside their window, you better hope they enjoy the joke.Equally, if you are near neighbours who don't like them too much,it would not be good to carry on to 3 in the morning or so.This is the thing that gets things stopped.
It might be quibbling to say the biggest and the loudest is not the best firework on the market, but I PERSONALLY like the small and the cute, and have enjoyed being out with the children lighting things that even the most red neck hard core radio talk back whinger would have no complaints with.
There are the Colourful chrysanthemum spinners.So cute, and not too fussy about the smoothness of the surface you light them on.No doubt anything , and not just fireworks, can bring on a disaster, but I would say these would definitely be in the safer fireworks genre.I just love wasting time with these.The way they bounce around, and the colour is nice, as well as the fingers of sparks.A big quantity can be bought with a very little amount of money too.Even with these there are safety tips, and obviousy the young should not play with them unsupervised.Plus you should, as the reigning expert, get a bit of experience under your own belt first.Also they should be lit from an extendable lighter , taper, portfire, punk, or incense stick.
Various other cute fireworks are the massively popular ground bloom firework.Black cat has a particularly violent spin,and it is also not too fussy as to what surface it is lit on.With the NZ age limit raised, above what youngsters used to be able to buy at, it might be useful to point out to parents that this is what they will expect you to stock up on.Dont just give stuff to them please.Are you so busy that you do not take any notice of what your kids get up too?Please join in and only allow them to be lit around your presence .
Back to magic shot 10 balls.Now these have very little sound, and once I saw how magical a deadly boring and criminal producing suburb deathly dark atmosphere place was totally magically transformed by a single and silent but loudly poetic 10 ball magic shot.I think it was quite late at night, but nothing got disturbed, and everything got blessed.
About bangers, and they are things that drive away demons and just bad spirits.You tell me that people who complain about things that others obviously love, with no sense of compassionate objectivity are in a good zone.You need to relax with thunder and lightning or bangers, and you let yourself be cleansed by the sound.Dont fight it.Good luck is supposed to come.
That is getting away from cute fireworks, but there are many others, and definitely not all fireworks are noisy.
Please also enjoy non-noisy fireworks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Barry. I recon that the bigger and more powerful they are, the more people respect them. Idots only shoot each other with the ten shots. If they did it with Magnolia they would go blind. Its amazing more people dont get hurt. The Warehouse sells $20 mills worth of fireworks in 10 days.

As for my fireworks, i am selling packs which contain the best fireworks from each catergory e.g. the best fountains, all with different effects etc, so not one is the same.